Compare Colleges Tool

Get Access to a Free University Comparison Tool 

Have you ever wanted to instantly compare admissions data from your dream schools without having to dig through each of their websites? You’re in luck! Our Compare Colleges tool allows you to compare two colleges at a time and quickly review the numbers in a side-by-side comparison. 

How Does Quad’s Side-by-Side College Comparison Tool Work?

We’ve tried to make our tool as easy to use as possible all you need to do is click the ”Get Started” button above and choose the two colleges you want to compare. Then, you’ll have a side-by-side college comparison of their rankings, acceptance rates, average SAT scores, average ACT scores, average GPAs, and undergraduate tuition fees.

If you would like a more detailed breakdown of any of your target schools, take a look at our complete college guides.

Wondering How We Can Help You?

Application Support

Support for every aspect of the application, including your personal statement, Common Application, college essays, interview prep, and more.

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Grade 12 Admissions Consulting

Are you a senior in high school looking to boost your chances of getting into a top college? If so, our personalized admissions consulting is for you.

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We would love to chat with you about your child’s college plans. Schedule a call with one of our experts today.

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Wondering How We Can Help You?

SAT Tutoring

Customized 1:1 SAT tutoring to help you identify and focus on your weaknesses with proven problem-solving techniques

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ACT Tutoring

Customized 1:1 ACT tutoring to help you identify and focus on your weaknesses with proven problem-solving techniques

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We would love to chat with you about your child’s college plans. Schedule a call with one of our experts today.

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